Why do we keep looking for time to exercise, when it is exercise that gives us more time (to live)?

The demands of modern life make us think that within family routines, there is not much room for sports. What we have not yet realized is that it is precisely from this practice that we draw the oxygen we need to stay alive daily in this routine.
Families come in different forms, fulfilling various roles and functions, but we know that relationships are considered their core value, as they are affectively irreplaceable.

Thus, regardless of the stage in the family life cycle, sports can always serve as a unifying and bonding platform.
These moments of sharing humanize us because we learn to communicate our needs and difficulties more effectively, we get frustrated, support each other, and celebrate together the individual overcoming of personal fears.
Doing sports is time well invested, and in a family setting, it is also a bonding space, a way to strengthen ties and create memories.

As parents, we dream of the best for our children, wishing they adopt habits early that may positively shape their choices and lifestyle in the future. And in this context of excellence, we have the opportunity for them to start making their first independent decisions, to learn about commitment, persistence, and the joy of feeling capable.
What greater legacy can we leave our children than the lived acquisition of skills that ultimately make us all better people?
Sports give us much more than we can imagine.
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